Here at Stern, we work hard to be involved in the community, and recently we had the opportunity to work with other local manufacturing companies to be a part of the Bridges Career Exploration Day.
Several members of our team here at Stern including general manager Bob Jackson, quality manager Mark Pfeifer, and HR coordinator Rick Soder, showed local students what our company, and the manufacturing industry is all about. Our booth featured our 3D printer, and 3D scanner that are used on the daily in our quality department, as well as we showed a constant slide show of our production process, and explained what we do on the manufacturing floor every day.
Along with members from our staff at Stern running a booth, we also teamed up with several other members of the Lakes Area Manufacturing Association to help make our manufacturing area of the fair a success. The other companies included Pequot Tool, Clow Stamping, Avantech, Lexington, Graphic Packaging, as well as CLC showing off their robotics department. These other companies, along with our team here at Stern, developed the idea of having the kids stop at each booth to pick up a specific part, that in the end would make their own custom toy UTV, that had one piece made by each company. Some of the pieces included water jet pieces of steel from Pequot Tool that were used for the body, some more waterjet pieces from Clow that made up the roll cage, Avantech provided the seats, Graphic packaging supplied the machined steering wheels, Lexington providing the wooden blocks used as “cargo”, and of course our booth provided the rubber tires.
All of this, along with an Arctic Cat Wildcat from Brothers Motorsports grabbing kids’ attention, led to one of the best turnouts in the manufacturing section of the career fair over the last five years. Our team along with others companies in the manufacturing association, were proud to be a part of the career fair at CLC, and work to promote manufacturing in the local area.